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C.A.R.’s Fair Housing Challenge!

Show your commitment to diversity, fair housing, and leadership by completing C.A.R.’s Fair Housing Challenge! The leadership team is challenging every C.A.R. Board and Committee member to take three courses:

  1. At Home With Diversity

  2. NAR’s Fairhaven, and

  3. One of two bias courses, C.A.R.’s new CE course - A Deeper Look into Bias in Real Estate or NAR’s Bias Override

The deadline for completing the courses is September 1, 2023. Regions and Committees with the highest participation rates will be recognized at the Fall Business Meetings. Once you’ve completed the challenge, let us know by registering: via this link. Courses taken after 1/1/22 (and any date for Fairhaven) will count toward the challenge!

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